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Call for a Free Case Evaluation 505.216.2510

Jamison Shekter

Picture of Attorney Jamison Shekter

Jamison Shekter practices law exclusively on behalf of real human beings against corporate wrongdoers.

Legal Career

  • 2021 - Present – Attorney/Owner, Shekter Law, P.C.
  • 2017 - 2021 – Associate Attorney, McGinn Montoya Love & Curry, PA
  • 2015 - 2017 – Law Clerk, Sheehan & Sheehan, PA


  • University of New Mexico School of Law, J.D., 2017
  • Natural Resources Journal, Staff Member and Associate Editor, 2016 - 2017
  • University of New Mexico, B.A., Economics, 2014


  • In the Spirit of Rule 1-037(B)(2): Motions for Order to Show Cause and Guttman v. New Mexico State Police, et al., No. D-101-CV-2018-01324, The New Mexico Trial Lawyer (January/February 2020)
  • Co-Author, Social Media and Discovery: Old Rules, New Frontiers, The New Mexico Trial Lawyer (March/April 2020)
  • Keeping the Doors Open, The New Mexico Trial Lawyer (May/June 2020)
  • Bad-Faith Discovery Conduct is Un-American Rule, The New Mexico Trial Lawyer (September/October 2020)
  • Defeating the Raskob Defendant's Motion to Stay Discovery, The New Mexico Trial Lawyer (Summer 2021)
  • Default Judgment for Discovery Abuse in a First Judicial District Case: Inman v. Acadia Healthcare Company, Inc., et al., D-117-CV-2019-00136, The New Mexico Trial Lawyer (Winter 2021)
  • To Defendant: “Put up or shut up” on the reasonableness of medical expenses: Using requests for admission to push defendants to produce evidence that plaintiffs' medical expenses are not reasonable and exploring this discovery technique in Cochran, et al. v. Presbyterian Healthcare Services, et al., D-101-CV-2019-00893, The New Mexico Trial Lawyer (Winter 2022)

Professional Associations and Memberships

  • American Association for Justice
  • New Mexico Trial Lawyers Association
  • NMTLA Journal - Editor
  • ACLU of New Mexico Cooperating Attorney


Recent Blog Posts


  • Dave Recommends Jamison Shekter

    Jamison was our attorney and was very professional, thorough and kept us fully informed of the process and progress. I would highly recommend Jamison if in need of a highly competent attorney.

Contact Us Today

Shekter Law, P.C. is committed to answering your questions about Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Vehicle Collisions, Medical Malpractice, and Civil Rights law issues in Albuquerque and Rio Rancho, NM.

We offer a free consultation and we'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
